Sunday, July 15, 2007

This trail failed to include public input, lacks integration with municipal projects, is overbuilt and outrageously expensive.

Failed to include adequate public input

Click here to read the Planning Board resolution on the project

Lacks integration with other municipal projects

The project designers and the Municipal government failed to integrate this following projects into the design of the bike path, wasting tax payer dollars.

Ojo del Agua Parking: $500,000
Plaza de la Amistad: $730,000
El Faro & Lighthouse renovations: $2,000,000
Plaza del Mercado: $1,500,000

El Nuevo Dia story summarizing project costs (pdf file)

Fails to consider existing uses

The project is overbuilt

At Pools Beach, the project includes an elevated bridge and a massive cement structure on the sand. Is this how the project should integrate with Pools beach?

At Playa Marias the plan include two "plazoletas", a bridge over Quebrada Piletas and a road along the beach.

The project is outrageously expensive

Cost: $17.3 million dollars = $5.1 million/mile

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The U.S. will ultimately foot the bill for this project. We should limit the funding for such projects in PR. American Taxpayers that is!