Sunday, July 15, 2007

It is not a trail - It is a road!

Forget calling it a trail.

The so-called "Rincón Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail" is a 4.25 meter (14 foot) wide paved surface with a guardrail on one side and a 5 ft. high chain link fence on the other.

By any other name, it is a road.

Municipal roads in Rincón are 4 meters wide.

A typical cross section.

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Anonymous said...

The very idea of a Bike Path is elitest,excluding from the people of RIncon, very few of whom have the means to afford a bike, their right to access their beach. It seems obvious to any inhabitant of RIncon that any funds availble would be better used to preserve beachfront property, providing sanitary facilities and parking, for all to enjoy.

Tinglar PR said...

Hey Lyon we need to talk! important areas are at risk!!! Specially Sea turtle... did you talk to the director of reservas y refugios? because as an endangered specie i know we have a really good oportunnity to stop this!

Biologo Medina

Anonymous said...

The idea of a bike path in Rincon is not totally wrong. As a mater of fact, it will promote less use of cars and serve as a sport and recreation activity site. BUT, there are ways in which these projects can be built in consonance to the enviroment and the people in it. Let's rethink the whole project (AND BY RETHINK, I MEAN THE COMMUNITY INPUT AS WELL), propose a new, narrower and away-from-the-beach path, with less pavement and minimum impact on other resources; and why not: a project which will serve as transportation means for Rincoenos and visitors.

Anonymous said...

The proposed bike trail is a really bad idea. As a Rincon resident, I have come to grips with one single truth and that is that local goverment managed projects always carry major flaws. A major flaw that could "and will" affect the marine enviroment is not acceptable. The only finnancial gain to stand from this bike trail is more bike sales. This project will not add to Rincon's natural beauty and it seems to me that there is more opposition than support. I urge everyone who is concerned to participate against this. Rincon is ecologically loosing more than we can imagine trough residential and comercial development.
Keeping Rincon green and simple is to preserve what everyone comes here to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

A "trail" that is 14 ft. wide would likely be the widest road in PR! Have these people thought about improving infrastructure?

Anonymous said...

¿Acaso viven en Rincón?
O son gringos que fueron botados de sus países y cayeron aquí...
Si no les gusta Rincón ni su gobierno, el cual fue Re-electo con una gran mayoría votos, se pueden ir. No queremos la mala critica de ignorantes y personas que ni siquiera son puertorriqueños.

A la gran mayoría de la población rincoeña le agrada la construcción de este proyecto. Por que va traer turismo y nuestros pequeños comercios van a crecer. El Pueblo de Rincón esta muy orgulloso de las ultimas obras llevadas a acabo por la administración actual. Y sabemos que esta no sera la excepción.

Y por ultimo:
Como se atreven a decir que la recidentes de Rincon no pueden comprar ni siquiera una bicicleta.
Este fue el mayor indicio de que son ignorantes a la verdad.

Le invito a visitar a nuestro Pueblo de Rincón para que se instruyan y dejen atrás la ignorancia de la que hablan.

Anonymous said...

Al Local anonimo: Vamos a hacer las cosas pero hacerlas bien. La actual administracion, igual que muchas anteriores al nivel municipal y estatal padecen de poca vision al planificar el desarrollo sostenible de PR y al otorgar permisos de construccion, especialmente en las costas. Te invito a investigar mas sobre la materia y tal vez nos puedas ayudar a llegar a un acuerdo, con el alcalde y agencias, donde se salvaguarde el uso y disfrute publico de la propuesta facilidad y se proteja el ambiente para todos los puertorriqueños con un buen diseño. Cuento contigo si de verdad amas a PR mas que estos gringos.